If you're struggling with your selections, please take a moment to enjoy what a great problem that is (seriously)!
Now relax and peruse the following tips and tricks for some hearty suggestions to help your process...


+ Contemplate images that provide a point of difference for your brand.
+ Images with ample blank space (large blurry sections) are great for title/text overlays (your designer will love you).
+ Tight crops and images of details/locations are great for page headings (your designer will really love you).
+ Tell the story of what your business is out to portray, don't necessarily just grab your favourite images.
+ Consider mobile viewers, if the image requires the full landscape to be effective with your site structure, perhaps reconsider.
+ You're beautiful, but every image does not need to have your face it in... be artful, be subtle, be different.

+ Blank spaces and abstract vignettes are great for memes and quote overlays (done well these are very shareable).
+ Beware of the busy, complicated images don't represent well in small formats.
+ Choose pictures that associate with a discussion topic or something you could easily write/blog about.
+ Be sure to represent your brand and amplify the north-star message of your feed.

+ With headshots, choose something professional and something more casually orientated.
+ Choose some lifestyle, behind the scenes or spontaneous moments... because business at it's best feels natural.
+ Select images that showcase your profession (what you actually do) and how you feel because of what you do.
+ Don’t leave out an image that truly lights you up, even if it doesn’t work in a professional context... because after work is done, there is still life to enjoy.

+ Essence over Ego... don’t be afraid to pick images that are emotionally charged (tears, anger or double-chinned laughter).
+ Choose something that anchors you to a feeling experienced during the shoot (like a visual page in your life's journal).
+ Traditional structure and sharpness doesn't necessarily equal beauty... just pick images that set your heart of fire.
+ If you pick something to print for your wall, consider more artful and abstract captures (they are great convo starters).
+ Your whole head does not have to be in the shot (please explain this to your Mum).