+ The overview
Truth Drops are super distilled insights, contemplations or personal stories that create an A-ha moment; deliver a nugget of truth; ask a provocative question; or answer a query you receive regularly.

+ What they are not
A Truth Drop is not an interview or a testimonial. It is not a place to rave about yourself, nor an opportunity to give a 4-min detailed instruction video on your ideas. This is a unique platform, it is an invitation, a taste, a teaser.

+ The difference
This is about creating a ‘pull’ not a ‘push’. Much of marketing and social media these days use the ‘push’ to get things in front of you, and often it is just loud and unsophisticated. Truth drops give your audience a classy reason to lean in, and they create a desire to want to know more.

+ Leave them better than you found them
You are offering them something of value, without assumptions or need for return. We leave your audience better than we found them, and that is how we elevate your brand.

+ Length of clips
Ideal length is 45-second to 75-seconds, and no longer than 2-minutes.

+ Editing
There is no fancy editing, camera cuts or compiling, as this breaks trust and dilutes authenticity. Truth Drops are a single take (even if it takes us 47 takes to nail it). It is not as easy as it seems, but it is worth the effort.

+ Black and white
Yes, they are all done in black and white.